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Some trains pass just once in a lifetime!
Where can I go?
European Solidarity Corps projects are available in every country member of the European Union
How long does it last?
Volunteering projects last from one month up to one year.
Who can join the ESC?
Every young european aged between 18 and 30.
How much does it cost?
The programme is entirely funded by the EU. Travel, food and accomodation.
Can I participate more than once?
You can leave for a total of 12 months.
Who can help me?
Your National Agency and the local organisations active in your country.
What are they?
To take action where and when it’s needed, in case of a crisis. Whether it is a natural disasters, the migration crisis or simply the care of the weakest – like disabled or poor people -, every young European can make the difference and join the European Solidarity Corps. The call is open to help European Union as a whole. A common response for problems that shall not stay confined within the countries where they first raise.
In September 2016, the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker announced the birth of a new European programme, in order to tackle these necessities. That’s how European Solidarity Corps were born, that take the place, and, at the same time, improve, the former European Voluntary Service.
How do they work?
The only exception – and big innovation compared to the EVS – is that, from now on, it will be possible to apply for a short-term projects and, afterwards, also for a long-term project – while the reverse is not possible.
Who can participate?
All European citizens aged between 18 and 30 can participate to European Solidarity Corps. They must be legally resident in the EU Member States or the following Partner Countries:
former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Russian Federation.
Nevertheless, there may be some restrictions for traineeships and jobs projects – mostly relating to the duration of the projects or the eligibility of the participants. There may also be restrictions due to age or legal residence reasons, since not all the projects are available for residents in EU partner countries. Anyway, for any further information you can visit the official guide of the ESC programme or the website.
Which is the difference with the old European Voluntary Service?
Solidarity Projects
It gives a group of minimum five young persons the chance to express solidarity by taking responsibility and committing themselves to bring positive change in their local community (
Volunteering teams
imilar to the Solidarity Projects, but more focused on high priority areas to be set at European level. For the year 2019, the chosen areas are:
European cultural heritage;
Social inclusion of people with fewer opportunities;
Response to environmental challenges and climate challenges, including disaster prevention, preparedness and recovery (excluding immediate disaster response).
ESC Traineeships and Jobs
fully-fledged paths to be embedded in the labour market, for which the participants will earn a salary well defined in accordance with the respective national wage laws and collective agreements that are in force in the country they are working in.
European Solidarity Corps Portal
Il nuovo portale ESC permette ai volontari di inserire i propri dati in un vero e proprio profilo che le organizzazioni potranno visitare, qualora avessero bisogno di trovare partecipanti per un progetto. Se contattati, la scelta di accettare o meno l’opportunità spetterà comunque al volontario. Quanto al resto, funziona esattamente come il vecchio portale SVE e raccoglie tutte le offerte di volontariato internazionale.